Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year from Malaysia

A Happy New Year from our virtual spot in Malaysia.
Malaysia is a big country with a hole in the middle of it called the South China Sea. We flew into WBKK in Kota Kinabalu. It’s located on the NW coast of East Malaysia which shares boarders with Brunei and Indonesia.  Our first journey takes us east to the TabinWildlife Resort.

We flew our favorite Bell aircraft over Hwy 4, East out of WBKK, towards Lahad Datu. It took us about 2 hours and 30 gallons of fuel to fly. We were surprised to find miles of farm land with pockets of jungle interlaced between them. An impressive Mount Kinabalu out the left side of the Jet Ranger called for us to return to her on our way back to Little Bird.

Following our flight from YDBY, across Borneo, then landing at a cool ass airport  on the East shore of the South China Sea, we looked to relax by enjoying some local entertainment. We found ...Darkey. It was a sold out show.

Our weight increased leaving Australia by 50 pounds. Go figure. Linda said she was going to need a camera and lens to capture the “critters” of the Tabin Nature Reserve …especially at night.
At Night! …In the jungle? Ohhh boyyy, the adventure continues. night, and she says I'm high maintenance.

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