Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Phuket, a Beaver to Phi Phi

VTSP is a busy place
We landed at VTSP on the island of Phuket, Thailand just after midnight. Flying over the South China Sea towards Ho Chi Minh City was peculiar for this child of the fifties. Maybe it was the endless sea of stars effortlessly blending into the ocean below that allowed my mind to wander. A danger of auto pilot I suppose.

 One picture speaks a thousand words. It’s also good to know your runway markings …and to fly into VTSP at night. Watching the lights come up on you is much easier than watching the beach trying to reach up to grab your landing gear.

A Beaver to Phi Phi
 At the Phuket Marina we transferred to a De Havilland Beaver for our flight to the Zeavola Resort on Koh Phi Phi.
We’ll park here for a few days to play the typical Thailand tourist.  
Our next Thai stops will be a little more …off the beaten track. The adventure continues.
...seriously, the water color here is just ...wow

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