Thursday, December 3, 2015

I’m Just an Australian Guy …with a Virtual Lear Jet

Lear 45 ...a leather seat bolted to a Missile built by Bill

We’ve spent a few days absorbing Sydney Australia.  We have been overwhelmed with Sydney’s size, or more to the point, the size of New South Wales.


We asked ourselves …what music cha got for us Australia? As Linda is looking for something shiny the music of Lee Kernaghan comes floating into our ears. It grabbed us with the warmth & love we know from our cowboy family members back in the states. We realize why we feel so at home here, we’re from the American Southwest. We are big wide open country folks. Talk about BIG ...nobody beats Australia on big.

Our story has brought a lot of new people into our lives. How cool is that? Our Little Bird has been given a few mods from another Sim Pilot while grounded at YSSY (Thanks Dan!).

We’re looking forward to our flight into YPPH. Until then please enjoy David Hudson's Music & Art from down under as well.

I’ve been saying to Linda …Dang baby, I’ve found my people.

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