Monday, December 7, 2015

Drivers & Swingers meet in Renmark

Deepak Chopra
On a stage, in a building located at the back of Microsoft’s campus in Redmond WA, Deepak Chopra told the cameras connecting him to a virtual audience “…creativity can be found within chaos.”  That sure describes our attempts to depart Sydney. Linda is looking for “critters” and I an adventure.

Little Bird ...0.5M @ 1K AGL
She is looking forward to seeing the Great Barrier Reef. I’m, honestly, looking forward to flying Little Bird close to the outback deck @ 0.5M. Can’t do that back home. What a thrill that will be.

Ya, that’d be fun, we hear directed as us, but not near as exciting as what the Pfitzner brothers Kyle and Ryleigh do. We ask, what is it they do? …they race Dinghy’s on the Murray River Basin.

That does sound exciting but not anywhere near as exciting as flying a Lear Jet 500’ AGL @ 380 MPH. Well, we’re told; …my mom could fly a Lear Jet but drive or swing the Murray River at 90 MPH, navigating tight turns, sunken trees and crocks …bet your mom wouldn’t do that. We are finding Australia to be Disneyland for Type A personalities .

We have the virtual funds to burn 1400 gallons of Jet A per hour for a couple of hours. We are ready to let the chaos of desire inspire us and our travels around Australia. So, we are off for Renmark to find folks who appreciate our need for high velocities.  They’ll be practicing for the Riverland Dinghy Derby held next February. We’ll have to plan a trip to see that.

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