Sunday, March 6, 2016

Paused in Burndi

It all started with Al asking why we chose the virtual bird we did to circumvent the globe. We talked about a faster bird like the Citation X. It started us down a rabbit hole to be sure.

Here's part of our discovery from Down the Rabbit Hole:
Mainly we found this blog and adventure is not about a Joliet-Oscar-Bravo. It's purely about a love of flying, adventure and education.

There are programs available to sim pilots which allow them to treat their sim experience as a real world J.O.B. They'll allow you to earn virtual monies by flying cargo or passengers into various locations. You can then use the virtual $ you earn to buy fuel and upgraded aircraft.

Honestly, if we're going to "pretend" to be flying, we're going to also pretend we've just won the biggest lottery ever held.

Travolta home

In that world ...we would not even consider turning our adventure into Joliet-Oscar-Bravo. 

We would however consider making John Travolta an offer on his Florida home.

Geny's Beach

Our African Queen has taken us from Goma, (FZNA), at the tip of Lake Kivu to Bujumbura, (HBBA), in Burni. It sits on the North shore of Lake Tanganika. Anyone who has been there has surly enjoyed a sunset meal at Geny's Beach. It's laid back and comfortable. The perfect place to watch an African sunset. A perfect place to pause and ponder.

"The Queen" parked outside of Geny's Beach Club.

We'll be back in the Goose shortly to continue our trip to Victoria Falls.

Once there we'll hand over our African Queen for our new to us 1993 Gates Lear 35. A new old analog bird ...just what the doctor ordered for someone who loves flying, adventure and discovering new things.
Our new "Little Bird"
... There is lot's of miles to go crossing Africa, with a small fuel tank
... it is an adventure in "The Queen".

This adventure continues.

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