Monday, March 21, 2016

Fast Gas Stop on a Volcano - Ascension Island

The official government web site for Ascension Island, inside the ‘Entry Permits’, section reads:

“Applications for Entry Permits should be made well in advance, at least 14 days before your intended travel, except in case of genuine emergency. Late applications, without valid reason, may be refused."

Here’s my question; if you’ve just flown out onto the middle of the Atlantic Ocean from Luanda, Angola using all but 45 minutes of your fuel
…you're denied entry due to a late application
Does your situation turn from a Fast tracked Landing Fee into a “genuine emergency”?
What's the cost for that?
Embraer Executive Jets Support
To pull off our adventure in real time, real world; you’d need a staff of talented people paving your airways before you.
Here's an example:
There’s an official instruction booklet, yes booklet, for filling out an Ascension Island application for entry. Its 7pages of details. I'd rather read a flight manual and have the staff work on the tough stuff ...logistics.


It’s odd how this airstrip on the tip of an underwater volcano, a 35 square mile chunk of dirt above the Atlantic, has inspired the deep recollections of Eliza Griswold. She wrote about them in the ‘Wideawake Field: Poems’.
“The collection arcs between internal and external worlds the disappointment of returning, the guilt and thrill of departure, unexpected encounters in blighted places and, with ruthless observations etched in the sparest lines, the poems in Wideawake Field sharply and movingly navigate the poles of home and away”.

Ms. Griswold surly captured feelings we’ve had on this virtual adventure and ones Linda and I have shared within our decades of real life travels.

 If you do stay on the island be sure to visit Green Mountain National Park. It’s a lush green world above the dry beaches of Georgetown
…that's what our staff would have said
…for us, we just want a fast gas stop on the top of this volcano.

…our adventure continues home, but first, Brazil.

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