Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Blue Goose,our African Queen

While pondering our choices for Little Bird we've, once again, grabbed a Goose for our long awaited Congo adventure.
One of our must see places on the African continent is Victoria Falls. Our plan is to take this old Blue Grumman Goose and follow the falls water source from the top of Africa (Lake Victoria, Tanzania) down the continent into Zimbabwe. We've named this Goose our African Queen.

We’ll fly "The Queen" South over Lake Tanganyika to Lake Malawi then turn towards 260 to follow the Zambezi River to Victoria Falls. We will divert, when needed, towards the nearest fuel/rest stop.

Due to Linda’s …stuff …we are only able to carry 83% of our max fuel load. This is after cutting her …stuff weight …to 50% of what we’ve been carrying in Little Bird. I convinced her to do so by saying “…and besides baby, regardless of your supplies I guarantee you’ll be the prettiest woman flying over the Congo in a Grumman Goose”. She may have rolled her eyes but she did smile and cut her payload by 150 pounds.
Our African Queen
We left HTKJ and headed west towards Lake Victoria. We landed at the marina in Musoma, a town named after the spit its on (The name Musoma comes from the word Omusoma which means, a spit ...who'd of thought).

Musoma is as far north as we’ll go on Lake Victoria. From here our flight path turns south. A little slower, a little lower and married to our fuel gauges.
Our adventure continues.

…also, if we can find runways without a turn in the middle of them …that’d be great.

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