Saturday, January 16, 2016

Shot down or in jail ...either one would be bad

“Landing is a pilot’s artistic expression”
We left VTCC at 2300 local and flew Southwest over the Bay of Bengal. Our star lit early morning approach & landing in Sri Lanka at VCBI was one of our finer “artistic expressions”.
Following the thrill of traveling from 135kts to 20kts in two heartbeats, and the mental/mechanical jump roping associated with it, a kind voice from ATC says …Five Lima Romeo exit runway as soon as possible. We complied as quickly and as safely as we could knowing a Pacific 737 was on final a few miles behind us.
As soon as we pulled off of 04 onto Taxiway Bravo we switched the radio to Ground. We immediately heard “Bombardier 5 Lima Romeo stop and hold for traffic”. A truck came up the taxiway and stopped in front of our Little Bird. It was blocking us from moving forward. I thought …yup, here's a program glitch.

Our trip is not real life but governments, airspace regulations, international borders, fuel delivery cost, maintenance, security and more forms than can be imagined associated with a single movement are real.

In keeping our virtual experience as connected to a real life adventure as we can we asked ourselves this question …Just who the hell handles all this fodder so we can enjoy our trip without ending up shot down or in jail? Either one would be a drag.

Executive Jet Management is such a company. What an amazing group of people. EJM will ensure that your flight and your aircraft are perfect, around the world, around the clock be it in one of their aircraft or in yours. In the world of private executive travel the words perfect and customer service take on expansive qualities of infinite proportions. The achievement level of providing a perfect customer service experience for their clients is just business as usual for EJM. Their clients expect it and EJM consistently delivers.

More of our Sri Lanka adventures later …

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