Sunday, November 8, 2015

Contrails to Bungalows

Making Contrails @ FL49
Flying across the Pacific I started thinking about the Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands. They were the first people to reach the Hawaiian Islands. I turned to Linda and said, "dang, this 4 hours to the Marshall Islands is a long ass boring flight". I then thought to myself; what would the tribesmen, paddling their canoes across an open ocean, think if they saw my contrails racing across the sky at velocities approaching the speed of sound? Would they think it to be a divine sign? Would their wisest say " problem brah. It's just a Lear 45"?

Our trip into Fiji from Honolulu required a gas stop. I must say that it was comforting to find a light blue spot of water shining bright in the dark ocean below us. It is a welcoming sight after watching your life blood (Jet A)  closing in on empty.

It’s another 5 hours to Fiji from here so we’ll enjoy some Marshall Island hospitality for the evening. The Hotel RobertReimers has Bungalows. We choose one facing the lagoon.

Linda is all about clean and comfortable. You can’t expect to find Seattle’s Metropolitan Grill in Majuro but you can get a good meal and a clean room here. Don’t bitch about the price …you are on a rock (Atoll) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where else you going to go?

Tomorrow we continue on to Fiji. Hopefully Linda will find enough stuff to keep us there for a couple of days.   

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